Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Joys of Home Improvement!

No, I'm not talking about the old comedy with Tim Allen. ;) I'm talking about my basement. My house was vacant for 3 years before we bought it and during one of those years it wasn't winterized properly and it flooded. :( So most of the walls and all of the carpet had to be torn out, which is fine really, because the layout downstairs was lame.

Merrill has been working on renovating the bathroom downstairs. It has no walls, no attached toilet or sink or tub. It's been pretty extensive. The tub is almost ready to be attached to pipes and yesterday Merrill was building some framework for installing shelves in the shower. He accidentally hit a pipe and, you guessed it, water went spraying out all over the place. *B00* He had to hurry up and turn off the water to the house. There was no warning and I just so happened to be doing dishes while he was doing this. D:

Happily, I had some water stored in juice containers. You know, the non-refrigerated 64 oz jugs. I have several of them full of water hanging out in my basement, so we still have water to drink and wash with. Yay! Which is great, because I'd really hate to have to go to my neighbor's house and ask for water.  I have great neighbors and all, but no one wants to answer the door 2-3 times a day to "lend" you water.

Me: Hey neighbor, can I borrow some of your water?

Neighbor: Sure, but I don't want it back!

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