Saturday, November 19, 2011

Hey There!

So I've been thinking about starting a blog for a while. In my search for ever more cute patterns to crochet, I've come across a lot of really neat blogs which is what got me thinking about having one, but I thought, I don't really design enough stuff to actually do a crochet blog like all these other fabulous ladies I come into contact with...

But then tonight, I had an epiphany as I made dinner... I ALSO MAKE UP RECIPES! Plus, I'm really good at rambling and some people find it to be entertaining, so I that's when I decided that I really CAN have enough content for a blog. :D It's kinda exciting. Especially because I often feel kinda isolated from the world. I have 3 totally adorable kids, but with my van in the shop all I do is stay at home with them. :/ Having a blog will be just like talking to adults! If you're not a mom, you're probably thinking, Big deal, I talk to adults all the time. Adults, however, don't ask questions like, "Mom, what happened?" when they throw up and they don't hold cups full of juice like it's a toy doll and then walk all over the house with it.

Obviously, I have young children. They are 3 years, 19 months and 3 months as of this writing. I LOVE my children, but the occasional adult conversation is refreshing, like a nice cool glass of water when you've been thirsty for about, oh, a week. :P

So this is my first rambling, or thought, if you will. TA-DA! I am on my way to blogging bliss. :)

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