Nothing makes you feel like a dork quite like ignoring your blog for whole month! Whoops. Oh well.
So I have a friend who's an internationally certified phytotherapist. I called her up yesterday because my daughter is secreting mucous from her eyes. She in turn asked me how her fluids are doing: yellow yuckies up her nose and strong smelling urine, which means that she's sick and dehydrated!
For the sick part, I've been instructed to get Essential Oil of Eucalyptus and to put ONE DROP on Reita's collar. When the smell is gone is when I know to put on another drop. Inhaling the fumes of the Eucalyptus will kill the bacteria and viruses. As my phytotherapist put it, Eucalyptus is a very gentle plant but tough on bacteria and viruses. Sounds like a mom! Very gentle, except for when there's a problem! ;)
For the dehydration part I've been instructed to have Reita drink half her body weight in water (ozs). So Reita, weighing about 24 pounds right now, needs to be drinking about 12 ounces of water a DAY.
I then received a very thorough education on dehydration. People think that dehydration means cracked lips and dry mouth, like in the movies, but that's not the case! Because your body requires water in order to operate - every function your body performs requires water. When the body does not have enough water the immune system shuts down so that the body can take care of the problem. Without sufficient water the cells will then mutate into other conditions, common conditions that we're all afraid of, such as the following: asthma, allergies, obesity, diabetes, CANCER... These things are all symptoms of dehydration. So really what we need to do is to DRINK WATER! We should all be drinking half our body weight in water (ozs). We should also be using about a teaspoon of unrefined salt (sea salt) because the water will flush out the minerals in our bodies, which we need, so we need to replenish the minerals with the salt. Now it has to be unrefined salt because the regular white table salt has had all of its minerals removed. (Unrefined salt will look slightly pink with some darker flecks. The coloration is because of the minerals.)
The sad thing is that most people are dehydrated and don't even realize it. :(
When my husband got home from work last night I was talking to him about some of the things my friend was telling me and then it hit me! My husband enjoys the amount of health that he does because he's always drinking water! He drinks at least 2 liters a day, hasn't gained any weight since high school and rarely gets sick. When he does get sick it's never in the same way as the rest of us. He might feel a little yucky, but it only ever lasts a day or 2. Me, when I get sick, I'm sick for at least a week. I need more water! And so do you!